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Dietary issues      One of the most predominant issue among the young people of this time is dietary problems. While some negle...
Monday, January 27, 2020
Origins And History Of Tribunals
Origins And History Of Tribunals Tribunals continue to play a very important role in today handling over a million cases each year, thus improving the overall efficiency of the justice system. They are responsible for dealing with most disputes between the citizen and the state about the formerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s right and entitlement. Tribunals have been defined by Curzon, Dictionary of Law, 1994, p387 as Bodies outside the hierarchy of the courts with administrative or judicial functions. This means that while a courts justice is dispense by an independent judiciary, tribunals are HISTORY. Length of time in existence. How/ why it came about. What was created because is dispensed Description of Tribunals panels judge etc. what governs it. Franks Committee Sir Andrew Leggatt Advantages Disadvantages Conclusion Notes. Administrative tribunals resolve disputes between, for example, the citizen and an officer of a government agency or between individuals in an area of law in which the government has legislated the conduct of their relations. Origins and history On 1 November 1955, the British Government appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Sir Oliver Franks to consider and make recommendations on administrative tribunals and inquiries. The report of that committee, published in July 1957, led in due course to the establishment of a permanent standing advisory body called the Council on Tribunals. How did this all come about? It goes back to the closing years of Winston Churchills last administration, when the Government was shaken by a serious scandal, reaching a climax in 1954. In fact, the story really begins in 1938, shortly before the outbreak of war in Western Europe. The Air Ministry was urgently seeking sites for the Royal Air Force to use as airfields and bombing ranges. It acquired a stretch of poor quality chalk downland in Dorset in the south west of England, known as Crichel Down. The Ministry had powers of compulsory purchase. But in the event it did not need to use them as the landowners were prepared to sell. During the war the land became a practice bombing range. In 1949, after the war was over, the land passed into the hands of the Ministry of Agriculture. A decision was made to put the land to agricultural use. Plans were drawn up to equip the land with a view to farming it as a single unit, in pursuance of the Governments policy of maximising food production. The land proved to be much more productive than had been thought before the war. One local landowner, whose wifes family had owned part of Crichel Down before its acquisition by the Air Ministry, wanted to buy it back. Although there was no strict requirement in law, there was an expectation that where land had been acquired under compulsory powers for a particular purpose, and that purpose had come to an end, the land would be offered back for sale to the original owners. But that did not happen in this case. The land was handed over to the Crown Estate, which negotiated its rental to a farmer of its own choosing. The disappointed landowner complained to his Member of Parliament. Rumours of bribery and corruption within the Ministry began to circulate. The Minister set up an independent inquiry by an eminent senior lawyer. Although the inquiry cleared officials of corruption, it was fiercely critical of the way the matter had been handled within the Ministry. The Minister felt impelled to resign, paying the political price for the misconduct of his officials or so it was seen at the time. The incident revived pre-war concerns about the extent of ministerial powers and the high-handedness of government officials. It was followed by the establishment of the aforementioned Franks Committee on administrative tribunals and inquiries. But curiously, although the Crichel Down case was widely regarded as a principal reason for the appointment of the committee, it in fact fell outside the committees terms of reference. Instead, the committee was asked to look at the working of tribunals and inquiries established under statute for the purposes of Ministers functions. It is worth noting that that nowadays cases like Crichel Down would almost certainly have been the subject of investigation by the Parliamentary Ombudsman, who has power to conduct investigations into allegations of maladministration by government departments leading to injustice to individuals. But back in 1954 there was no Parliamentary Ombudsman. That had to wait till the Parliamentary Commissioner Act of 1967. The Franks Report proved a turning point in the history of administrative justice in this country. It completely changed perceptions of tribunals. Where they had once tended to be regarded as an extension of the executive arm of government, Franks placed them firmly on the judicial side. The Franks principles of openness, fairness and impartiality became the watchwords for how tribunals ought to operate. Franks gave brief examples of their application: Take openness. If these procedures were wholly secret, the basis of confidence and acceptability would be lacking. Next take fairness. If the objector were not allowed to state his case, there would be nothing to stop oppression. Thirdly, there is impartiality. How can a citizen be satisfied unless he feels that those who decide his case come to their decisions with open minds? The Council on Tribunals was set up in 1959 to try to ensure that those principles are applied in practice. As of now, there are some 80 or so different tribunal systems under the Councils oversight. Origins and history On 1 November 1955, the British Government appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Sir Oliver Franks to consider and make recommendations on administrative tribunals and inquiries. The report of that committee, published in July 1957, led in due course to the establishment of a permanent standing advisory body called the Council on Tribunals. How did this all come about? It goes back to the closing years of Winston Churchills last administration, when the Government was shaken by a serious scandal, reaching a climax in 1954. In fact, the story really begins in 1938, shortly before the outbreak of war in Western Europe. The Air Ministry was urgently seeking sites for the Royal Air Force to use as airfields and bombing ranges. It acquired a stretch of poor quality chalk downland in Dorset in the south west of England, known as Crichel Down. The Ministry had powers of compulsory purchase. But in the event it did not need to use them as the landowners were prepared to sell. During the war the land became a practice bombing range. In 1949, after the war was over, the land passed into the hands of the Ministry of Agriculture. A decision was made to put the land to agricultural use. Plans were drawn up to equip the land with a view to farming it as a single unit, in pursuance of the Governments policy of maximising food production. The land proved to be much more productive than had been thought before the war. One local landowner, whose wifes family had owned part of Crichel Down before its acquisition by the Air Ministry, wanted to buy it back. Although there was no strict requirement in law, there was an expectation that where land had been acquired under compulsory powers for a particular purpose, and that purpose had come to an end, the land would be offered back for sale to the original owners. But that did not happen in this case. The land was handed over to the Crown Estate, which negotiated its rental to a farmer of its own choosing. The disappointed landowner complained to his Member of Parliament. Rumours of bribery and corruption within the Ministry began to circulate. The Minister set up an independent inquiry by an eminent senior lawyer. Although the inquiry cleared officials of corruption, it was fiercely critical of the way the matter had been handled within the Ministry. The Minister felt impelled to resign, paying the political price for the misconduct of his officials or so it was seen at the time. The incident revived pre-war concerns about the extent of ministerial powers and the high-handedness of government officials. It was followed by the establishment of the aforementioned Franks Committee on administrative tribunals and inquiries. But curiously, although the Crichel Down case was widely regarded as a principal reason for the appointment of the committee, it in fact fell outside the committees terms of reference. Instead, the committee was asked to look at the working of tribunals and inquiries established under statute for the purposes of Ministers functions. It is worth noting that that nowadays cases like Crichel Down would almost certainly have been the subject of investigation by the Parliamentary Ombudsman, who has power to conduct investigations into allegations of maladministration by government departments leading to injustice to individuals. But back in 1954 there was no Parliamentary Ombudsman. That had to wait till the Parliamentary Commissioner Act of 1967. The Franks Report proved a turning point in the history of administrative justice in this country. It completely changed perceptions of tribunals. Where they had once tended to be regarded as an extension of the executive arm of government, Franks placed them firmly on the judicial side. The Franks principles of openness, fairness and impartiality became the watchwords for how tribunals ought to operate. Franks gave brief examples of their application: Take openness. If these procedures were wholly secret, the basis of confidence and acceptability would be lacking. Next take fairness. If the objector were not allowed to state his case, there would be nothing to stop oppression. Thirdly, there is impartiality. How can a citizen be satisfied unless he feels that those who decide his case come to their decisions with open minds? The Council on Tribunals was set up in 1959 to try to ensure that those principles are applied in practice. As of now, there are some 80 or so different tribunal systems under the Councils oversight.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Holistic Development Essay
Every child is unique, all children are different no child is the same so this means that all children will grow and develop at different speeds and different rates. Meggitt (2006 p1) states â€Å"developmental norms are sometimes called milestones – they describe the recognised pattern of development that children are expected to follow. Each child will develop in a unique way†. Holistic development sees a child as a whole person it sees all the child’s areas of development. Each area of development that children will develop in, are dependent on one another they interconnect. Even though there are different areas of development and people see them as different areas, they are interconnected to one another or a child would not develop. So when a child progresses in one area, this will indefinitely effect progress in another area so if something when wrong in one area of development, say physical this will have effect on all the other areas social, emotional, intellectual and language. There are also many things that will have influence on a child’s development, teachers, parents, observations and the environment I am now going to talk about these below. Role of the teacher A teacher has a major role of a child holistic development. They will help all the children in there care with all areas of there development. A teacher can help children with any part of their development weather this be physical social etc. I think that a teacher is a very important part of a child’s development, as ezinarticles (2010) says â€Å"We can say that parents and teachers play a very important role in shaping child’s future. †A teacher will help a child with their mental and physiological development, but not only do they help with this but they also help with children learning about table manners, unity, team work and sharing which a child needs to learn in their life and can be sometimes they can be the more important things in life to make the child a better and friendly person. To help children with their development teachers have the early years foundation stage to follow Direct Gov. say that the early years foundation stage is (direct. gov 2011) â€Å"Schools and early year’s providers have to follow a structure of learning, development and care for children from birth to five years old. This is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and it enables your child to learn through a range of activities†The foundation stage is split up in to four themes these themes are learning and development, positive relationships, enabling environment and unique child. The learning and development theme is split in to six sections language, communication and literacy, problem solving, reasoning and numeracy, creative, physical personal social and emotional knowledge and understanding of the world. The teachers will follow this to help them with planning activities to help a child development on a whole. The EYFS other themes are equally as important as learning and development. Positive relationships are about the teaching make good and professional relationships with both the children in their class and the children’s parents/guardians. By the teachers in the class showing good and respectful relationships with both them the staff in the class and their parents this will encourage the children to do the same. The unique child’s is also equally as important as the other areas of the EYFS. This theme is all about the children and caring for them as they need to be cared for at a young age, not to discriminate them on their race, age, disability culture, also to keep them as safe as possible in the class and in the school. It very important to also take in to consideration as child’s wellbeing and health. Enabling environments when a child comes in to school in the morning they want to feel comfortable and relaxed so by setting up an environment that will help this will help the child. Enabling environment is also about observations using observations to evaluate and form assessments for the children. Sometimes as an early years teacher when it comes to a child development they only want what is best for the child to help them with their development. One implication that a teacher could find could be with the parents, if the parents refuse for the teachers to help the children with their development as some parents think they always know what is best for the child, which they are there parents and know the children the best but not always there development, so it is very important that us as early years teachers keep the parents involved in their child’s development. We can do this in many ways some of these are observations, photos, work they have done, chats. A teacher will have a major influence on a child holistic development in all different ways. They will help with a child’s behaviour by setting examples of what behaviour is right and wrong in their classroom and showing praise for good behaviour and discipline for bad behaviour. A classroom environment can have also have an effect on a child’s holistic development, by the teacher knowing the children they will be able to set up and environment that the children will like and enjoy and feel welcome in the teachers can do this by asking the children what they would like in their classroom as using a few of the children ideas around the classroom, this will make the children feel a lot more welcome as they will feel that they have made a contribution to the classroom area. This will have an effect on a child’s development (National Strategies 2008) states â€Å"Create an indoor environment that is reassuring and comforting for all children, while providing interest through novelty from time to time†. By creating an enabling environment where children feel welcomed they are more likely to use it and develop within it. It’s not just the class room where teachers can create this, the outdoors is where children learn and develop and explore when there young so by bringing the children’s interests outside too it will help them develop a whole lot more. For example if the children were really in to dinosaurs you could adapt on this to make the children’s learning more fun, helping them with all areas of their development through dinosaurs, they can draw dinosaurs – creative development, count dinosaurs spots – cognitive development, see how dinosaurs lived – social and emotional development, dinosaurs role play area. Create and area outside with trees a dinosaurs habitat and let the children create it with the teacher, so they are fully involved there are loads of different games and learning opportunities that you can create from children’s interest. By doing this it mean that the children will be interested in learning and being involved therefore learning and developing a whole lot more. The role that teachers have with a child language development is important in an early years setting. The teachers will follow the letters and sounds frame which works along with the early years foundation stage. The letters and sounds documentation is used in many early years foundations stages to help the children learn their letters and sounds; it uses many different strategies like jolly phonics. Letters-and-sounds 2010) â€Å"It aims to build children’s speaking and listening skills in their own right as well as to prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. †This piece of documentation that has come in recently to help children learn the letters and the sounds of the letters. It will help the children to read and write not only that but it will help with their social skills talking to other people getting the letter sounds right. Physical development has become more and more important in schools because of the growing rate of childhood obesity, so the role of the teacher in physical education has become more important than ever. Children learn through physical development as they like to look around and explore as the early years foundation stage states (EYFS 2008) â€Å"Babies and young children are born with a deep interest in people and with a drive to find out about their world. Their search for meaning is an active process as they seek to understand how people behave and communicate, how objects work and what can be done with them, and how space can be used†children are always active when in school whether this be using there fine motor skills by writing or using their gross motor skills outside playing on the bikes. Children have needs to be active and it is important for them to be active to have a healthy lifestyle. By children being active this is where they learn about their world as there are fascinated by it roaming around on a field looking for snails and slugs children need to do this to learn about the things in their environment. Furthermore outside physical development is just as important as young children love to run about so it is important for the teacher in their role to plan activities for the outside. It states in the document every child outdoors, (every child outdoors 2010) â€Å"Nature is a major motivating factor for exercise. There is very strong evidence that being outdoors is the most powerful correlate of physical activity, particularly in pre-school children†Social and emotional development are closely linked together so when teachers are developing children in these area the teacher will link these two together. Children will develop their social and emotional development by going to school and making friends. It is important for the teacher to build a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. A child cognitive development is learned through all the other reas of development, as is their language development they will learn language through doing all different activities and will learn new vocabulary by learning new activities. Role of the parents Parents are probably the most important people in a child life meaning they are the ones who majorly help their children with their development. The parents are the ones who start children off with their development, from the day they are born they help them to hold their head up, walk and learn to talk etc. Parents help their children with all the areas of development more than others. â€Å"High levels of nurturance combined with moderate levels of control help adults be responsible child rearing agents for their children and help children become mature, competent members of society. †Parents will know the major mile stones in a child’s development like walking and talking but sometimes parents do not know the little bits of a child’s development, like there mental development, social skills, gaining knowledge and understanding of the world and this can sometimes be the most important. Then this is where a teacher parent relationship can be very important so that they can communicate with each other about their child’s development. It is important that the parents are involved in their child learning and development at school as well as at home for the child’s wellbeing. Parents will help their children to develop in all the different five areas of development which are language development, physical development, cognitive development and social and emotional development. Parents can also have an influence on their child’s development; some parents might find some areas of development more important than others and push their children to develop in these areas more. This could mean that there child may lack in other areas an example of this could be, some parents might think that a child’s cognitive development is more important than a child physical development. So the parents may make the child focus on developing in there cognitive development, and not so much in their physical development so this may mean that the child may not be developing as well in their physical development as they would be in there cognitive. Some parents worry about their children’s development when their children are not at a stage of development that there meant to be at. Any parent will worry about this especially when they are young. All children develop and grow at different rates and speeds as all children are different. The every parent matter documentation (every parent’s matters 2007) states â€Å"many parents are unsure about how they can help their child to learn. They really shouldn’t worry one of the best way to support a child’s development is to have fun with them. †That is what the most important thing is for a child is to have fun to help them to develop especially with their parents as they are the main influences on a child life specially a young child. It is important for a child to play and have fun because children learn through play and it is an important part of their life. When a child is outside hunting for worms or playing on the bikes they just think they are playing but as early year’s teachers we know that they are learning through doing this as will their parents. Roles of observations Observations are very, very important for a child’s holistic development they can play an important part of a child’s development and can potentially help them or can find something wrong with the child‘s development. They can do this by evaluating the observation and comparing it to the thing that they were observing the child for and see whether the child did or didn’t do what the observer was observing for. Observations will mainly be done by the teachers in schools as they have to do them as teachers but parents will also do observations of their children even if this is just watching their children at the park or playing with their toys. There are many different types of observations that a teacher will do some of these are photo observations, written, time sample, sociagram etc. Teachers do observations so that they can see where a child is with their development by doing this they will be able to see if there ahead, at the right level or behind with their development. They can then help the child to progress in a way that suits that child as every child is different and are at different stages of development. When you have done an observation you can then see how affective that observation has been to you and to the child. You will be able to see how affective the observation has been by looking at the results of the observation and again comparing them to what you were observing the child for. A teacher can then see what they can do to help the child; they can then make a judgement on what to do next for the child to help them if they need it in anyway. There are many implications when undertaking observations on a child because they behaviour of the child that day may be different to any other day because something has happened. Another reason could be that the child is tired there are many reasons that a child may behave different that day. This is why teachers with normally do two to three observations of a child on different days at different times to make sure something that have seen that day is nothing out of the ordinary for the child. Doing professional observations does take practice to do them properly. It is important that an early year’s teacher doesn’t just make assumptions from one observation unless they are perfectly sure that they are right from what they have seen. This is why it is important to do more than one observation on a child. Role of the environment The environment in the modern day is having greater effect on a child’s development, more than it ever has in the past. Times are changing and so are the children because of the changing in the environment. Children’s personalities and development can depend on the environment that a child lives in me now quote from associated content (associated content 2008) â€Å". The behaviour patterns children learn depend heavily on models to which they are exposed. The socio-cultural environment is the source of differences as well as similarities in personality development. †Children are not developing at the same rate they did 10 years ago because of the changing of the environment. Society nowadays the children prefer to sit in doors on computer games than play outside with their friends and family. Which is effecting all areas of a child’s development social, emotional, physical, language and especially there cognitive development. It is important for children to go out into the environment and explore, as young children do love to do this, children can learn a lot from the environment. According to recent research it is important for children to explore the environment as if they don’t it can really effect and stunt a child’s academic and development growth. Less and less children are not visiting the countryside to go on walks with parents or grandparents whereas their parents and grandparents would have done this a lot with their family or friends. Fewer children are climbing trees and playing on the park which is natural and humane thing for children to do. When children come home they look more forward to playing on the computer or Xbox than going down to the park or going to play football. By children not getting outside as much and sitting in doors they are growing rates of childhood obesity , which is causing major concerns for children’s development especially there physical development. Also by children playing on their games all day they concentrate less at school and are becoming less interested in school. It is important for children to get outside and explore the environment. Conclusion What a child’s development means to me? It means a lot it is important for a child to grow and to develop at their own rate, as I’ve said throughout this essay every child is different no child is the same. Of course it is important for a child to develop to the developmental norms for their age, to keep up with things and other children there age but some children will develop more rapidly and some children will develop more slowly. Holistic development is all about that, see the child as a whole developing as a whole putting the areas of development together interlinking them all. In conclusion to this I personally think that no area of development for a child is more important than the other, as it is important that a child develops in all there areas of development in their own way. Of course some children are going to develop better in some areas than others that is near enough proven with every child but I think that no area of development Is more important that the next. Some parents may think that cognitive development is the most important area of development, as they may think that children need to be clever/ intelligent to have a good life and a good future ahead of them, but this is not always the case as some children cannot do so well in school even hate school and not develop well in there cognitive development but be absolutely fantastic in other areas say physical and in their future they could become an athlete which is still a brilliant future for a child.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Effective Leadership in a Hair Salon Essay
Abstract An effective leader has the power to improve the success in an organization. This paper will demonstrate the characteristics and behaviors of Tava Jackson as an effective leader in managing her hair salon. It will discuss her personal power, political skills, and decision making style. The four dimensions of transitional leadership behavior will be the main focus of Mrs. Jackson’s leadership performance in the workplace. Critical thinking steps developed by Browne &Keeley (2010) and theories explained by Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson (2013) will support how Mrs. Jackson is an effective leader and her impact on me in the salon. Introduction Colquitt et al. (2013) defines leadership as, â€Å"the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement†(p. 450). Tava Jackson upholds suitable skills in her salon, empowering her employees to achieve their goals. This paper will discuss her ethical leadership qualities, supported by scholarly articles, and explain how it has impacted me as her employee. I will demonstrate her abilities by explaining the following: How her personal power influences the behavior of her employees?; the political skills in networking ability and social astuteness to increase her understanding of employees; and her consultative style in leader decision- making allowing the organization to work as a team. Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized considerations are the four dimensions of transitional leadership behavior that will emphasis her effective leadership skills. I will analyze the reasons, assumptio ns, logical agreements free from fallacies, verifiable evidence, causes, significant information omitted, and reasonable conclusions. The finalizing will be of Mrs. Jackson personal reflection as a leader. Context Tava Jackson, owner of Hairtopia Salon, as owned her salon for over five years. Her business constantly grows because of the characteristics and behaviors she maintains in the workplace. Over ten years ago, she received a license to teach individuals the art of hair. Within her salon, Mrs. Jackson not only hires individuals to work, but provides them with the knowledge to be better in the cosmetic business. She has taken specific classes to enhance hair abilities, maintaining awards in outstanding achievement by John Amico and advanced cut and color by TONI &GUT TIGI. I have worked with her since sixteen years of age, and she has continuously impacted me through her influential abilities, determination to achieve in the workplace, interaction with client and employees, and capabilities of making rational decisions. I would like to own my salon in the future, and she has impacted me has a leader to follow certain strategies and techniques with the abilities I obtain to achieve that go al. She is an effective leader who inspires individuals through her job performance and work ethic. Theoretical Framework Yunus and Anuar (2012) state that, â€Å"transformational leadership empowers others to become open-minded, independent individuals capable of exercising leadership†(p. 651). Transformational leaders are effective leaders in a salon, with the accumulation of personal power, political skills, and consultative style of leadership decision making. Power can come from the management position an individual has in a salon. It can give the person the capability to award or discipline others. Colquitt et al. (2013) mentions, â€Å"expert power derives from a person’s expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend†(p.421). Individuals with power have a talent or skills that others don’t possess, attracting others who want to retain that skill. Salon managers hold high positions based on their extraordinary performance, problem solving skills, and understanding of the tasks needed to accomplish the jobs mission. Political skills is the aptitude to efficiently understanding others at work, and using that understanding to influence others in ways that increase personal and/or organizational objectives (Colquitt et al., 2013, p.427). Networking ability and social astuteness are two parts in political skills. Moss and Barbuto (2010) explain network ability to be the strongest display of a successful leader (p.156). Network ability shows the impressive valuation of job performance. A personal skill that permits an individual to understand and respond effectively to the work condition is social astuteness. Moss and Barbuto (2010) discussed social astuteness as â€Å"the ability to understand men and women, boy and girls- to act wisely in human relations†(p. 159). When a leader discussed a problem with employees, taking in opinions and suggestions before finalizing a decision in the work place is consultative decision- making (Colquitt et al., 2013, p.427). A salon manager essentially needs to make ethical decisions as a leader. Their decisions can have a particular influential consequence, since it involves numerous business deals and interactions with so many people (Woiceshyn, 2011, p.311). Transformational leadership is defined as â€Å"the capability of the leaders who influence changes in visions, strategies, and cultures of an organization†(Sookaneknun and Ussahawanitchakit, 2012, p. 79). Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized considerations are the four dimensions of transitional leadership behavior. Idealized influence is when a leader can deliver their ideas to their employees and be an influential role model for the employee. Inspiring and motivating employees to visualize what they will receive from accomplishing the business goals is inspirational motivation. Intellectual stimulation is the skill a leader obtains to develop the employees capabilities. Showing care and importance to the employee allows them to feel valued in the business is individual consideration. Transitional leadership is seen as an additional motivational method to leadership than other management methods (Colquitt et al., 2013, p.462). Framework: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-> Application and Analysis What makes Tava Jackson an effective leader in her hair salon? How has her leadership impacted me personally in the salon? Colquitt et al. (2013) explained leadership effectiveness as, â€Å"the degree to which the leader’s actions result in the achievement of the units goals, the continued commitment of the unit’s employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader–member dyads†(p. 452). The main concepts that are defined are that leaders use power and influence. Her inimitable qualities that make her an effective leader are the power and influence she maintains in the workplace. Mrs. Jackson’s personal power influences the behavior of her employees by ensuring that they are skilled in the field and updated with new techniques of the season. Her awards received from her work performance by John Amico and large clientele influences her employees to want the same knowledge and expertise skills to increase their clien tele. Mrs. Jackson takes time to understand what each employee is talented at, influencing them to expand that talent by networking. Moss and Barbuto (2010) stated how networking can bring promotion and increased salary impacting leadership performance (p. 160). The ability she possess to socially astute her employees displays her capability to understand her each individual. Every employee in the salon is affect from decisions made by Mrs. Jackson. She cares about the opinions her employees have, so when decisions need to be made she listens to their suggestions. Her consultative style in leader decision- making expressions her ethical understanding to make employees feel heard in the workplace. Mrs. Jackson empathy toward her employees my cause them to trust and respect her more. â€Å"Transformational leadership is a type of leader that can promote organizational innovation capability†described by Sookaneknun and Ussahawanitchakit (2012, p. 79). Mrs. Jackson is an idealized influence when she plans meetings to inform staff on ways to increase profit with her various ideas. She lays out a vision that ins pires other to be part of the project. When she goes to different classes, to stay updated in the cosmetic field, it is motivational and inspires others to follow her tactics. Mrs. Jackson intellectually stimulates her employees by taking them to hair shows like, Bonner Brother, Nirobi, and Dudley, to let them see skills outside of the workplace that will inspire them to try new techniques. This brings out talent that individuals may not have known they obtained. Skills are developed from Mrs. Jackson’s effort to open minds to innovative things. She cares about her employees by individually considering their needs to advance and improve in the field, by personal training when they feel they need more understanding. Conclusions and Reflections Tava Jackson is a transitional leader that has impacted me personally I have been through about four salons. I started out at Hairtopia Salon, but while in college I had to relocate. I have seen poor leadership in managers, not being considerate or willing to provide professional knowledge to improve their employees in the workplace. She personally impacted me through her influential abilities. I am not sure how she continues the have these skills, and what she went through to gain the skills she obtains. Mrs. Jackson acquires numerous abilities from research found, explaining her growth and the growth of her employees. In the ethical decision- making assessment I scored a 41/50 showing I possess good skills in ethical decision-making. This research shows that there are multiple qualities that can be obtain to be an effective leader in a hair salon. My manager’s effective leadership behaviors and characteristics opened my mind to other capabilities I will need for future skill in managing my own salon. References Browne, M.N., & Keeley, S.M. (2012). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking. (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson Colquitt, J.A., Lepine, J.A., & Wesson, M.J. (2013). Organizational behavior: improving performance and commitment in the workplace (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Mc-Graw- Hill Irwin. Moss, J.A., & Barbuto Jr., J.E. (2010). Testing the relationship between interpersonal political skills, altruism, leadership success and effectiveness: A multilevel model. Journal of Behavior &Applied Management, 11(2), 155-174. Sookaneknun, S., & Ussahawanitchakit, P. (2012). Transitional leadership, organizational innovation capability, and firm performance of cosmetic business in Thailand. Journal of International Business & Economics. 124), 77-91 Woiceshyn, J. (2011). A model for ethical decision making in business: Reasoning, intuition, and rational moral principle. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(311-323). Doi:1007/s10551-011-0910-1 Yunus, N. J., & Anuar, S. (2012). Trust as moderating effect between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership styles. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(10), 650-663
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Learning and Cognition Essay - 1306 Words
Annotated Bibliography: Foundation for a course Project PSYC 3500; Learning and Cognition U5A1: Annotated Bibliography Capella University November, 2013 Annotated Bibliography: Foundation for a course Project This paper contains an annotated bibliography for a paper which will serve as the final project for a course on the subject of learning and cognition. The paper for which this bibliography was prepared originally was to focus on whether or not a youth could be conditioned by maltreatment at home resulting in poor social and academic performance at school. The original thought was that removal of a child from an abusive or neglectful home would be an appropriate treatment for†¦show more content†¦This article opens by drawing a comparison between maladaptive effects of maltreatment in children symptoms of PTSD. Because of this connection, Kearney, Wechsler, Kaur, Lemos-miller (2010) note that: â€Å"Developmental models of effects of maltreatment and of PTSD are thus increasingly intertwined and have begun to inform specialized assessment and treatment strategies for this population.†(Abstract). Kearney et al.’s discussion on the effects of maltreatment, and t reatment options will be especially important to this paper’s discussion on the effects of a troubled home life in regards to a child’s social and academic performance in an educational setting. Eckenrode, J., Laird, M., Doris, J. (1993). School performance and disciplinary problems among abused and neglected children. Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 53-62. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.29.1.53 As of the date of this publication John Eckenrode, the primary author of this study was the director of the Family Life Development Center, Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Cornell University. According to Cornell University’s website, he is currently: â€Å"Professor of Human Development and Director of the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research. He is also Director of the National Data Archive of Child Abuse and Neglect.†The bio points out that a primary focus of his research is in the field of child neglect and abuse, which is inShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Learning and Cognition854 Words  | 3 PagesLearning is a very important subject in psychology. In order to fully understand how learning takes place in the mind it’s vital that one is able to comprehend the how behavior and learning goes hand in hand. Instrumental and classical conditionings are both learning styles that describe the modification of behavio r. The relationships with these traits are needed in order to understand the correlation cognition and learning process. 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